Main configuration
Introduction to configurating NPWD
This contains the main config for customizing NPWD. Below you will find main configuration options. The config options are displayed with their default values.
If you're using a older version than the latest some of these might not be in your config yet. You can just add them manually.
You can find a lot more available configuration options under defaults.
"PhoneAsItem": {
"enabled": false,
"exportResource": "my-core-resource",
"exportFunction": "myCheckerFunction"
- If you want to enable the phone as an item. This export needs to return ether true or false
- Resource which has the export
- This export needs to return ether true or false
Custom Phone Number
"customPhoneNumber": {
"enabled": false,
"exportResource": "number-generator-resource",
"exportFunction": "generateNumber"
- If you want to use your own custom defined phone number generation this needs to be enabled
- Resource which has the export
- This export needs to return a unique phone number as a string. NPWD Does not check for duplicate custom phone numbers
"general": {
"useResourceIntegration": false,
"toggleKey": "f1",
"toggleCommand": "phone",
"defaultLanguage": "en"
"showId": false
- If you are using a framework.
- If you are using a framework.
- Key to open / close the phone
- Command to open / close the phone
- Initial language for the phone. This can be changed by the user
- Show the source of the player in the notifiation bar
"database": {
"useIdentifierPrefix": false,
"playerTable": "users",
"identifierColumn": "identifier",
"identifierType": "license",
"profileQueries": true,
"phoneNumberColumn": "phone_number"
- The prefix is referring to the text before the colon when obtaining identifiers.
- If your database uses license:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX set this to true. Otherwise, set it to false.
- This is only used when "useResourceIntegration" is set to false.
- The table in which your user information is stored.
- REQUIRED COLUMNS: id, identifier, phone_number
- This should be a unique column
- Ranges from the following:
- Ranges from the following:
- Provides useful debug information about the time it took to get data from the database.
- The column where phone numbers are stored.
- As of v1.03, you need to create this yourself. See the sql file for an example query.
Default contacts
"defaultContacts": [
{ "display": "Contact", "number": "xxx-xxx", "avatar": "" },
{ "display": "911", "number": "911" }
Contains an array of contacts which will be prepended to every request to parse user contacts.
This includes any apps that parse user contacts, if you experience any inconveniences please do not use this option.
"debug": {
"level": "error",
"enabled": true,
"sentryEnabled": true
- Valid values:
- Valid values:
- Valid values:
- Valid values:
- Valid values:
- Valid values:
Check out the default configuration options.