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Setting Up for Development

Setting up NPWD for development requires a few steps and some familiarity with the scripts. This short guide will help you get your development environment bootstrapped and ready.

React code and game code will be reffered to as apps.

Environment Setup

Please make sure you have the following dependencies installed within your development environment.


Installing Dependencies & Setup

Step 1

Clone the repository into your resources folder with the name npwd. Make sure it is not within a [subfolder] like this.

git clone

Step 2

Navigate to cloned folder and install dependencies for both NUI and game scripts (This will automatically install dependencies in all the apps and packages)

cd npwd && pnpm

Build Phase

Building all of NPWD

To build the whole project (NUI & game-scripts), run the following command in the repository root. This will build all apps and packages.

pnpm build

Building NUI

To build only the NUI package, navigate to the apps/phone folder and run the build script as shown.

cd apps/phone && pnpm build

Building Game Scripts

To build only the game scripts package, navigate to the apps/game folder and run the build script as shown.

cd apps/game && pnpm build

Watching files

If you don't want to rebuild all the time, you can also watch files which will write to disk.

pnpm dev

To watch individual components use the following in each package

pnpm dev:game

Common issues

Media files are not loaded when running pnpm dev:game:

You most likely forgot to build the phone first. Building the phone will place the media files in /dist/html