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Installation and Setup

Third-Party Resource Dependencies

If you wish for NPWD to have full functionality. The following resources are required to be installed and started before NPWD.

  1. screenshot-basic
  2. pma-voice

NPWD has standardized pma-voice as our default voice system for the phone. We encourage everyone to do such. We will not provide support or configuration, for any other VOIP's should issues arise.

Downloading Release

  1. Navigate to the releases page.
    • The latest release is shown at the top of the page and will have an image to the right stating as such.
  2. Left click on the hyperlink containing

    The mentioned zip contains a pre-built version of the phone so no building is required.

  3. Save and unzip the npwd folder into your resources folder. An example directory would be: A:\xd-rp-server\server-data\resources

Initial Setup

Database Integration

To setup the database schema, you must run the import.sql file found within the root of your npwd folder.

If you already use mysql-async, ghmattimysql, or oxmysql. NPWD will automatically configure itself to use the mysql_connection_string from your server.cfg file.

If you do not already use one of these libraries, you must add an entry to your server.cfg file for mysql_connection_string, matching one of the following connection configuration formats:

# You do NOT need both. Only one.
set mysql_connection_string "mysql://root:12345@localhost/es_extended?charset=utf8mb4"
set mysql_connection_string "user=root;database=es_extended;password=12345;charset=utf8mb4"

Basic Configuration


Standalone installation requires a users table of some sort that stores player identifiers. If you are a menu based server and don't use popular frameworks, you will need to use pe-core so you can use this resource. It's a very basic "framework" and will have no impact on your server.

NPWD uses a config.json file that contains important information required for the resource to work correctly. This file is location within the root of your npwd folder. See here.

Database Configuration

"database": {
"useIdentifierPrefix": false,
"playerTable": "users",
"identifierColumn": "identifier",
"identifierType": "license",
"profileQueries": true,
"phoneNumberColumn": "phone_number"

Above is the default database configuration that comes with NPWD. The information needs to be altered to match your database.

  • "useIdentifierPrefix"

    • The prefix is referring to the text before the colon when obtaining identifiers.
    • If your database uses license:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX set this to true. Otherwise, set it to false.
    • This is only used when "useResourceIntegration" is set to false.
  • "playerTable"

    • The table in which your user information is stored.
    • At a minimum, it needs to contain player's identifier and a phone number column.
  • "identifierColumn"

    • Found within your playerTable that is specified within the config.json.
  • "identifierType"

    • Ranges from the following: steam, license, xbl, ip, discord and live.
  • "profileQueries"

    • Provides useful debug information about the time it took to get data from the database.
  • "phoneNumberColumn"

    • The column where phone numbers are stored.
    • As of v1.03, you need to create this yourself. See the sql file for an example query.

    We are working to improve this so the number column is added when you run the SQL file.

General Configuration

"general": {
"useResourceIntegration": false,
"toggleKey": "f1",
"toggleCommand": "phone",
  • "useResourceIntegration"
    • This is only used for framework integration.

      Setting this to true is what exposes the newPlayer export. The export won't work without this set to true.

  • "toggleKey"
    • The key used to open the phone. Please see here for a list of available keys.
  • "toggleCommand"
    • The command used to open the phone. This is executed on the key press of the configured toggleKey.

Framework Integration

If you are using a popular framework such as ESX or QBCore, you can easily integrate NPWD using the corresponding premade compatibility resource(s), these should automatically configure NPWD to work with your framework.

Follow the written documentation for ESX and QB-Core for the altered installation.

If you have basic development knowledge and wish to integrate NPWD with any arbitrary framework, see the following documentation page for more information.


Have you made a wrapper for a framework not listed above? If so, please reach out to us so we may improve our documentation. You can do so by contacting us on the Project-Error Discord here.

Below is information pertaining to functionality to enable specific features of the phone such as image uploading for the camera or report logging for discord.

Setting up Camera Functionality

NPWD allows for players to access a camera app and take in-game photos. The link to the photo is saved within the database of NPWD so these photos are required to be uploaded somewhere. We recommend Fivemanage, a service developed to help with image uploading, for free. This guides you through the process of setting it up. If you have any questions, ask us on Discord.


  1. Create an account at Fivemanage

  2. After you have created an account or logged in, navigate to the Token page and create a new token.

  3. Copy the API token and add set SCREENSHOT_BASIC_TOKEN insert_token to your server.cfg file before starting NPWD.

  4. Add this to the config.json in the npwd folder

"images": {
"url": "",
"type": "image",
"imageEncoding": "webp",
"contentType": "multipart/form-data",
"useContentType": false,
"authorizationHeader": "Authorization",
"authorizationPrefix": "",
"useAuthorization": true,
"returnedDataIndexes": ["url"]

Alternatively, you can use Imgur.


Some have reported issues with uploading images. While this is most likely related to using a different version of screenshot-basic, imgur may also be blocked in your country. We are currently working on alternatives.


  1. After you have created an account or logged in, create an application here.
  2. Choose the Authorization type called OAuth 2 authorization without a callback URL. Example.
  3. Copy the client ID and add set SCREENSHOT_BASIC_TOKEN your_client_id to your server.cfg file before starting NPWD.
  4. Add the following to npwd/config.json.
"images": {
"url": "",
"type": "imgur",
"imageEncoding": "jpg",
"contentType": "multipart/form-data",
"useContentType": true,
"authorizationHeader": "Authorization",
"authorizationPrefix": "Client-ID", // This is NOT where your actual client ID goes, add the to the server.cfg - Remove this!
"useAuthorization": true,
"returnedDataIndexes": ["data", "link"]

If you can't find your application you just created, check your settings pages here.


Add the following to npwd/config.json.

"images": {
"useWebhook": true

In your *.cfg file, add your webhook to the SCREENSHOT_BASIC_TOKEN convar


Enable voice and audio uploads

To enable voice messages you need a place to host these files. If you already are using Fivemanage, you can also use it for audio uploads.

In order to enable this on NPWD, we first need to add a new Convar to the server.cfg.

set NPWD_AUDIO_TOKEN your_api_token

Then head over to the config.json file. Here you'll see:

"voiceMessage": {
"enabled": true,
"authorizationHeader": "Authorization",
"url": "",
"returnedDataIndexes": ["url"]

We have not tested any other audio uploading services, but please let us know if you find services that are usable.

If you wish to use another service you can. Such as Clyp

Setting up Discord Log Integration

NPWD can integrate with Discord to log certain actions. As of release v1.0.3, the only use case is to log reported tweets and marketplace listings. This requires a webhook to be setup and the following convar set in your server.cfg file:

# You need to wrap the webhook in quotation marks.
# Do NOT use setr in place of set as this shares this webhook with the client.
set NPWD_DISCORD_TOKEN "my_discord_webhook"

Finishing Up

Example Final Config

Your server.cfg should somewhat resemble the following (in terms of order):

set mysql_connection_string "mysql://root:12345@localhost/es_extended?charset=utf8mb4"
set NPWD_DISCORD_TOKEN "my_discord_webhook" # Quotations required

ensure screenshot-basic
ensure pma-voice

ensure my_framework_here # Your framework resource. Ignore if you're not using one.
ensure esx-npwd # Any compatibility resources like esx-npwd or qb-npwd. Ignore if you're not using one.

ensure npwd

Important Information

  • By installing npwd, you agree to the use of the following diagnostic package:
    • Sentry, (in use within the React portion of NPWD) Automatically uploads relevant session details and stack traces whenever an exception is thrown. We use these metrics to further improve the quality of the phone.
    • To explicitly disable this, we urge you not to as its incredibly useful metrics for us, please change the SentryErrorMetrics setting to false in phone/config/default.json and rebuild the phone.
  • Encountered an issue? Please open an issue here following the provided template.
  • If you seek additional support, feel free to join the Project-Error Discord.